
Chosen Feelings 1

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eeveecupcakegirl's avatar

Literature Text

Chosen Feelings 1

         Babies are a handful

  Every tale has a beginning most of them just start to continue a new begging. In a place where both werehog and Merhog got along in the leaders cave were Sonic the Merhog and Shadow the werehog a couple with two kids a Jade the Merhog/werehog and Doom the werehog. Sonic had his tail in the water and was holding Doom who cuddle up to Sonic's neck so he would purr. Shadow was with Jade who was bitting his ears, "Are you sure you have to go back to your father's kingdom I mean I'm sure your father doesn't need that much help around right?" asked Shadow, "Shadow, you know I am suppose to be the next in throne the least I could do is go every now and then" said Sonic. "It's just being alone with two kids it's kinda a handful" said Shadow, "You wanted to have a family didn't you? Well there you have it" Sonic giggled a bit and cuddle to Doom who was all curled up to him he looked like a little fur ball, Jade tried pulling his ear, and got loose and landed on the floor sitting he look at Shadow who started at him. Jade bite his nose, "Jade what are you doing?" Shadow grabbed him he just smiled and hugged Shadow's cheek. "Aww looks like he loves you" Sonic giggled, "I would say the same about Doom he hasn't moved from the same stop all day" said Shadow, "What can I say his like a miny you" said Sonic. Shadow blush a bit because of that, "But I promise as soon as I am back I will give you many kisses for your hard work" said Sonic. After a while Doom and Jade were finally asleep, they cuddle to each other, Jade had his little fin tail in the water and his hands on Doom's belly, Doom was wrapped around Jade for comfort. Sonic gave them a kiss on the forehead and went over to Shadow giving him a peck on the lips. 

Sonic swam away leaving Shadow with the kids, after a while Jade and Doom were waking up whimpering and moving around. "What do I do?" though Shadow he grabbed both Jade and Doom, Jade open a eye to see Shadow and smiled at him, "Ene" Jade made little noises. Doom opened his eyes not much he just looked around looking for Sonic he moved around in Shadow's arms. Shadow put him down, Doom looked around he didn't saw Sonic he just sat up and lowered his ears and looked at Shadow with sad eyes, "Uh! No Doom no crying mama will be back" said Shadow, Doom started to cry loudly, Jade got scared and cried as well, Shadow was about to pull his quills. He had a second plan, "Maybe you kids are hungry" said Shadow, he grabbed the bottle and feed both of them, Doom and Jade stayed quiet and drink there milk. Shadow calm down the babies finish drinking there milk and stayed there they stared at Shadow waiting for something to happen, Jade crawled to the water and started to splash with his hands and giggled. Shadow went next to him to avoid him from falling in the water, Doom saw Shadow's tail moving slowly from side to side, when it went to him he tried to grab it, his daddy's tail tickled his face. It made him laugh, and played a while whit it. Shadow felt something nibble his tail and saw Doom grabbing his tail trying to bite it, "Doom what are you doing?" asked Shadow, Jade saw what Doom was doing he went to Doom and grabbed his tail. Doom flinch a little and looked over at Jade, Jade pointed at him and then pointed at Shadow, "What you think Doom is me?" asked Shadow, Jade hugged Doom's back cuddling to Doom's quills. Shadow smiled and thought that was cute. He petted both, "Hey kids how would you feel if we go out for a little walk?" asked Shadow, both looked exited and stretch there arms at Shadow, "Okay then, let's just get Jade a little wet" Shadow splash water at him, Doom just licked Jade's cheek since he was wet. Jade giggled a bit since his tongue tickled, Shadow put them both on his head Jade knew how to grab on so he hold onto Shadow's war and suck his thumb, Doom just looked around. Shadow wasn't far from the cave he just stayed out for a moment, and went near a little tree, "Aha ana ata" Jade pointed at something on the ground, Shadow looked down and saw like a bouncy ball colored purple, "You want it?" asked Shadow he grabbed the ball and showed it to Jade who grabbed it quickly. 

  Shadow went back to the cave and put both Jade and Doom down, Jade like the ball allot he even put it in his mouth to see what was it like to taste it. Doom just stared at him, while he did that, then he threw it away, "Aba atta" Jade tried to reach it but it was too far and lowered his ears sad he wanted his ball. Doom somehow got up and started to run to it, Shadow realized Doom had run out of the cave, "Doom, Doom, Doom!" Shadow went right behind him, and came back with Doom's tail in his mouth, Jade was crawling over a rock in the water and almost fell deep inside the water Shadow quickly ran and put him sitting on the edge with his tail on the water, Shadow put Doom next to him. Doom gave Jade the ball back, Jade was happy and grabbed the ball and threw it again outside, Doom went behind it leaving the cave, "Doom no!" yelled Shadow he came back with Doom and put him down he gave the ball to Jade, "Stay! And Jade don't throw it" said Shadow, Jade and Doom started at Shadow not understanding, Jade raised the hand that had the ball, "Jade!" Shadow looked at him and moved his finger saying no. Jade threw the ball, and Doom went behind it, "What did I just say?!" Shadow looked at Jade mad. Jade just giggle and put a hand behind him and with the other he put a finger near his mouth looking cute. Shadow was about to head out when baby with white fur and blue/gray stripes entered the cave with Jade's ball, "Shane?" Shadow looked at him. Mephiles came inside with Silver holding Doom in his mouth, "Missing something?" asked Mephiles chuckling, "Oh thank goodness you two are here  Sonic has been away for the day and won't be back till tonight, and having two babies at the same time doesn't help" said Shadow, "Well they sure are the handful" said Silver he put Doom down and went to Jade, Shane put the ball on the ground and pushed it to Jade, Jade was a little scared at first because of Shane but then he did the same as he did and push the ball with his muzzle. The ball with to Doom and he pushed it to Shane, Shane pushed it to Jade, Jade pushed it back to Shane and Shane pushed it to Doom. They keep playing that way till they got tired of the same game, Doom was starting to get sleepy he went over to Jade and he reminded him about Sonic, he cuddle to Jade's neck to see if he purred and so he did Jade started to purr gently like Sonic's. He closed his little eyes falling asleep, Shane went over to Doom and cuddle to his muzzle trying to play with him but Doom fell asleep, Shane cuddle to Jade. Jade keep purring and grabbed Shane's ears, making him get over Doom, Doom cuddle to Shane as well and then back to Jade so he would keep purring. When time pass Jade was in the middle of two fur balls Shane was at one side and Doom was at the other, "I guess they got tired and fell to sleep" said Silver, "Yeah I guess there energy ran out for the day" said Mephiles, "Yeah hopefully before night time they will be awake I don't want them to over sleep" said Shadow, "So you enjoying them while there still young?" asked Mephiles, "Yeah I just can't seem to fit in a world to see my babies grown up and expressing there own personality but I couldn't ask for more" said Shadow he smiled at them while they sleep. Silver giggled quietly, "Yeah, Shane is such a energetic pup that sometimes I just have to play with him before he sleep, "By the way we just came to see how you were doing" said Mephiles, "I'm okay thank you for your concern" said Shadow. Silver went over to Shane and moved him a little with his muzzle, Shane opened his eyes and ears were lowered he looked over and Silver ad sat up he wagged his tail and snuggle his muzzle against Silver's. Silver smiled and grabbed him, "Say bye bye baby" said Silver. Both Silver, Mephiles, and Shane left the cave, leaving Shadow with, Doom and Jade, Shadow went over to his babies he wrapped his arms around them keeping them close to falling sleep. Sonic had return to the cave by night and saw his babies sleeping in Shadow's arms Sonic smiled at such and cute moment he kissed Shadow's cheek. He got out and got into Shadow's arms and held Jade and Doom close to him. Shadow open a eye only half of it, "Your back" said Shadow, "Yeah thanks for taking care of my little babies, my big sweethog" said Sonic, Shadow just chuckled ad closed his eyes, "No problem" he said.

 In a castle near the village, Algetar was with his baby bother who was on the bed. The bed was so soft every time Shallow sat there he started to move up and down to jump. Algetar laugh looking at him, "You like jumping on the bed?" he asked he went over to him and started to move the bed making Shallow giggle since he was jumping a little higher, "Algetar, what are you doing?" asked Shadow, "Oh nothing just playing with Shallow" said Algetar he grabbed Shallow, who hanged on to him tight. "Just be careful, Shallow is just a baby" said Shadow, "Shadow please let Algetar play with his baby  brother" said Sonic, "I know but why if he is eating plastic if we are not watching him?" asked Shadow, "Don't worry daddy I won't give him my toys we will play with his toys like the rattle, you wanna play with it?" asked Algetar to Shallow. Shadow was sucking on his thumb and looked at Algetar, "Alright just be very careful if anything bad happens just tell us" said Shadow, "Also Shallow's bottle is on the crib remember to feed him, and if you want to I can feed him later?" asked Sonic, "No papa I want  to feed him" said Algetar he hugged Shallow. Shallow's head was on Algetar neck and he hold onto Algetar's shirt and made little noises, "Okay okay just play with him for a while and I think Casper will come later to play" said Sonic. Algetar sat Shallow on the floor and put two pillows behind him so he wouldn't fall, Algetar grabbed his little rattle, "Look Shallow this is how you play with a rattle" Algetar sat in front of  Shallow and moved at rattle making noises. Shallow stared at the rattle, "Here you try it" said Algetar handing the rattle to him, Shallow looked at it waiting for it to make noises and looked at Algetar, "Uhh? No you have to shake it for it to make noises" said Algetar, Shalloe grabbed the rattle and started to shake it he giggle because of that, "Ataba" Shallow made noises, "What?" asked Algear, "Ata Aba Ataba" he keep making noises, Algetar put his ear near Shallow, "What?" he asked. Shallow hit Algetar on the head with his rattle, "Ouch!" he moved away, Shallow just smiled moving the rattle. Shallow looked at Algetar and drop his rattle and started to jump stretching his arms at Algetar, "Okay I forgive you" said Algetar he hugged Shallow, Algetar started to smell something foul, "Ewww what is that smell?" asked Algetar he looked at Shallow who just looked cutely at him. Algetar knew now what that smell was, "It was you wasn't it?" asked Algetar, Shallow closed his eyes still smiling at him, "Papa! Shallow made a stinky" said Algetar. Sonic came up the room and changed Shallow's diaper, "There you are my little man" said Sonic cuddling to Shallow's cheek making him giggle. Sonic looked over at the time, "Algetar darling it's time for Shallow's nap can you wait later down stairs I bet your father is needs help" said Sonic, Algetar nod and went down stairs to the living room, Shadow was just drinking some coffee with blood it was a odd combination, "Hey daddy, whacha doing?" asked Algetar, "Oh nothing just here taking a little break" said Shadow, "Break for what?" asked Algetar, "Oh just a break" said Shadow taking another sip of his coffee. "I'm bored" said Algetar, "What do you want me to do?" asked Shadow taking another sip of his coffee, "Make me another brother" said Algetar, Shadow stopped and spit all the coffee on the rug, Algetar was laughing allot, "Why? Why do you want another brother?" asked Shadow, "I don't I just wanted you to make that face" said Algetar smiling.

  Sonic was up stairs holding Shallow, Shallow was on his shoulder, Sonic gently pet his back making him purr a little. He cuddle his back quills on Sonic's cheek and feel sleep, Sonic kiss his little forehead and put him on the bed looking down, Shadow's head was pointing on the left he curled up. Sonic put a blue blanket and tucked him in so he wouldn't get cold. Sonic smiled at him and went down stairs, "So how are my two big man doing?" asked Sonic, "Just telling Algetar a little something about our family" said Shadow, "How impressive" said Sonic. "Hey papa why does daddy get all blushy when I ask him about babies?" asked Algetar, Shadow's cheeks turned red, "Oh honey the things about babies are easy" Sonic say on the couch and Algetar sat on the middle of Sonic and Shadow. "You see Algetar when two adults love each other very much, they make a fruit of that love as the prove of how much they love each other. That is why me and your daddy had you and Shallow" said Sonic, "Ohhh I think I understand" said Algetar, Shadow smiled at Sonic. After a two hours Algetar heard Shallow's whimpers, "Papa, Shallow is up" he ran to the room and open the door, "Hi Shallow it's me your big brother Algetar" said Algetar going to the crib, Shallow just moved around whimpering about to cry, he rubbed his eyes and opened them. Sonic went to the room and picked Shallow up from the crib, "Aww you already up? Come here to mommy" Sonic cuddle to Shallow making him stop whimpering, Shallow looked down at Algetar, "What's wrong want to say good morning to Algetar?" asked Sonic he lowered Shallow to Algetar's size, "Hi Shallow did you sleep well?" asked Algetar, Shallow smiled and started to grab Algetar's front quills, "Oww!" Algetar pulled away his hair, "Shallow no" said Sonic he giggled a bit. "Well maybe that his way of saying hi big brother" said Sonic, "Yeah but he can say it another way" said Algetar, "Don't worry, hey do you want to feed Shallow?" asked Sonic, "Yes!" said Algetar, "Alright here" Sonic gave Algetar Shallow and then the bottle with his free hand. "Feed him well okay?" said Sonic. Algetar nod, Sonic left, "Oh I forgot, I need to find you, your little rattle I left in the hall way" said Algetar he put Shallow on the pillows and quickly went to look for it. Shallow just sat there with the pillows he looked at the bottle and started to reach for it, "Ana ababa Ahh!" Shallow ears went down and started to whimper. The bottle started to float and went to him, "Hungry little guy?" asked Casper he was sitting on the window, Shallow looked at him confused, Casper used his powers to feed Shallow. Shallow drink his little milky, "Mmmm" Shallow enjoy his milk, "You like it?" asked Casper. Shallow finish his milk and Casper held him and tap his back making him burp, he cuddle to Casper's purple chest fur. Algetar came back with the rattle, "What are you doing here?" asked Algetar, "Nothing just feeding your baby brother" said Casper, "Awww you feed him, I was going to do it" whine Algetar, "Oh please you do it every single day give a chance to do it" said Casper he played with Shallow's hand, Shallow looked at it and notice his hand was smaller than Casper and started to grab Casper's hand and look at it. "Fine but still, why are you here?" asked Algetar, "Bored out of my mind" said Casper. After a while they started to play games, "Okay well I'm sure that rattle thing isn't going to do much to entertain him, "Then what should we do?" asked Algetar, "Maybe something like a puzzle oh I have a better idea he pulled out the blacket it cover Shallow. "We can try making like a little tent" said Casper, "Aba abetaba" Shallow didn't see anything and tried to get the blanket off, Algetar removed it, Shallow saw him and laugh. Algetar then had a idea he put the blanket over him again, "Taba? Ataba?" Shallow made noises then Algetar moved the blacket away and he laugh again. Casper and Algetar started to laugh too, "Cute" said Algetar, "But now I am a dragon raaaor" said Casper putting the green blacket on him, Algwtar put Shallow on his head, he put Shallow's feet over his shoulder and held on to Shallow's arms, "Run Shallow run" said Algetar running around the room with Shallow on, he started to laugh while Casper keep chasing them. Algetar then put Shallow on the bed, "Doctor his not reacting" said Algetar, "Then time to give him the tickle exams" Casper lift his shirt and blew in Shallow's belly making him laugh. After that they were playing with paint, they put some on Shallow's hands and put paper in front of him. Shallow just rub his hands on the paper, "I need more paint be right back" said Algetar. Casper yawn "This is so boring, hey Shallow want to make this more fun?" asked Casper, Shallow just tilt his head wondering. Algetar came back paint drop on his head he looked up and saw Shallow painting the sealing with his hands he had a purple aura, "How Shallow got to the sealing?" asked Algetar he looked over at Casper who was using his psychic power, "Casper stop Shallow can get hurt!" yelled Algetar, Casper got startled and stopped. Shallow began to fall, Algetar quickly jump and grabbed Shallow before he hit the ground, he sigh relieve "Phew you okay Shallow?" asked Algetar, Shallow put his hand on Algetar's forehead then took it away seen his little mark on his brothers head. Sonic came inside the room, "Kids Wha- ... awwww isn't that cute? You guys are teaching Shallow how to paint" said Sonic he looked in a drawer and took out a camera it pointed at all three of them "Smile" said Sonic. Algetar and Casper smiled since both were doing that Shallow looked at Sonic and smiled as well. "This is going in the family album" said Sonic smiling, "Yeah well I have to go home it's getting late and I think daddy will come by any minute" said Casper he ran off, "Okay now you two need a bath" said Sonic he took the both of them to the bath tub, Sonic scrub Algetar's quills and forehead, Shallow had a little floaty on his hips so he wouldn't drown, he played with the bubbles, Algetar helped clean Shallow up, "Shadow can you come up and help me, pick up Shallow while I finish with Algetar. Shadow came up stairs and picked Shallow drying him up. He put Shallow's little pajamas on ready to go to bed, he sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Sonic. Shallow played with Shadow's hand, Shadow smiled and put him close to his face "Your a fun a little cutie aren't you?" asked Shadow, Shallow just put his hands on his muzzle and giggled, Shadow kiss his muzzle, Sonic finished with Algetar and went back to Shadow, "Okay I'm finish now" said Sonic he grabbed Shallow, "Okay come on Algetar, papa and Shallow are going to sleep" said Shadow, "Okay daddy" said Algetar. He went down stairs with Shadow, "Hey daddy will Shallow grow up to be older?" asked Algetar, "Yes why?" asked Shadow, "I just want to tech Shallow many things like how to hunt and play and other things" said Algetar, "Well we are going to have to wait a little" said Shadow he rubbed Algetar's head, "I want to be the best big brother ever" he said, "And I am sure you will be" said Shadow.

To be continue......
Finally the first part of Chosen Feelings I am making with :iconsonicartist16: This is mostly out two stories combined (Sonadow: Forbidden Feelings (… and Sonadow: The Chosen One (Part 1:… and Part 2:… Mostly why the story doesn't commence with Sonadow like the other it's because this story is mostly about there kids.

(Warning this story have Yaoi couples: Sonadow, Mephilver, Fleetourge maybe and others) it also has little Silvaze

Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Mephiles, and Blaze belong to SEGA
Scourge belongs to Archie Comics
Fleetway belong to the Sonic Comics

Algetar, Doom, Jade, and Casper belong to :iconsonicartist16:
Shane and Shallow belong to me
© 2013 - 2024 eeveecupcakegirl
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TheCore53's avatar
Casper is a doll!